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The Island

The Island was a game I created to demonstrate my environmental design abilities.

I decided to make a game based around an island as it would enable me to make an environment that used a lot of different factors such as sound, lighting and particle effects that in other environments would not be expressed as well as they could be on an island. As I was making an interactive environment I wanted to create a story line that would allow the user to progress but still have a main focus on the environment its self.

What was the plan?

My role

I created this environment completely on my own. I programmed, 3-D modeled, textures and designed the environment. I was working on my own and I found that in places it could be hard work as I had to overcome skills that were not my strong point. Working on my own really helped me to see what skills I have and which needed more work on.

Want to see the game in action? Contact me for a Mac or Windows build!


 © Daniel Lock

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